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Eye care & Eye Yoga Chart

Natural way eye yoga for better vision

Tips how to recover eye dark circles

If your eyes are puffy and have dark circles, what impression what they leave on the second person.

**Eight hours of night sleep is a must for all. Do not avoid this, as this is the major reason behind the problem. Secondly, do not take tensions. I agree that there are some things that you can just not help but taking tension will just not work for you and instead will affect your health. So, try not to think about something to such an extent that it creates problem for you.
**Apply thin layer of fresh cucumber or aloe vera gel on your eyes for ten minutes every day. It is better that you apply them at nighttime before going to sleep. Cucumber has heeling and skin lightening properties that would take away the darkness around eyes.
**A good under eye gel is another great option to get rid of dark circles, apply it overnight. In the end just take a good diet and eat lots if fresh fruits too and stay happy for faster results.

source ---

How can I avoid having a heart attack

Main factors for a heart attack

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Age--Risk increases for men older than 45 years and for women older than 55 years (or after menopause). About 83% of people who die from heart disease are 65 years of age or older.
  • High cholesterol level
  • High blood pressure
  • Family history of heart attack
  • Race--African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans and native Hawaiians are at greater risk.
  • Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
  • Lack of exercise
  • Stress
  • Obesity
  • Sex (Gender)--More men have heart attacks, although heart disease is the leading cause of death for American women.
How can I avoid having a heart attack?
Talk to your family doctor about your specific risk factors (see box above) for a heart attack and how to reduce your risk. Your doctor may tell you to do the following:

  • Quit smoking. Your doctor can help you. (If you don't smoke, don't start!)
  • Eat a healthy diet. Cut back on foods high in saturated fat and sodium (salt) to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. A Mediterranean diet is also a very healthy choice. Ask your doctor about how to improve your diet.
  • Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.
  • Exercise. It may sound hard if you haven't exercised for a while, but try to work up to 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise (that raises your heart rate) 4 to 6 times a week.
  • Lose weight if you're overweight. Your doctor can advise you about the best ways to lose weight.
  • Control your blood pressure if you have hypertension.
Talk to your doctor about whether aspirin would help reduce your risk of a heart attack. Aspirin can help keep your blood from forming clots that can eventually block the arteries.

if u want more information

How to better your Skin Sauna

  • A deep cleaning treatment is to give your face a sauna & is good treatment for congested skin.
You need to fill a bowl with near boiling water and add four drops of each of the essential oils recommended for your skin type.
For normal skin you can use Mandarin and Lavender
For OILY skin you can useLemon and Eucalyptus.

For DRY skin you can Rose and Camomile.

then Place a towel over your head and hold it over the bowl from a distance of about 30-40cm for a period of around two minutes. This opens the pores and prepares it for a face mask. if you have sensitive skin or suffer from asthmayou should not use a face sauna.

Diabeties diets

Diabetes guidelines

  • Avoid accumulating overweight. If possible, lose weight, preferably down to a normal level of BMI. This is a good way of controlling the sugar levels in the blood.
  • Balance your food intake and try eating similar amounts of food with regular intervals. This will help keeping your blood sugar level stable if you have diebeties.
  • Avoid, or limit the use of foods contributing to heart disease to control diabetis

A perfect GI diabeties diet or meal plan will achieve all these goals but it can be difficult to construct it yourself. It may be a good idea to use the help of a professional dietician in your diabetic meal planning and dibetic diets. You can probably maintain the diets and meal plans later as long as you got professional help in setting them up in the first place.


Anyone under a grapefruit diet plan would not hesitate to term it a great fruit diet plan for the virtues. A grapefruit diet menu lets you the freedom of eating as much as you like to while silently helping to burn fat. So, here are the directions to grapefruit diet.
Drink 8 glasses of waterevery day. And how much do you consider a glass would contain? A glass should contain 8 oz and by 8 glasses a dietician means that you need to drink 64 oz or 2 liters.
Eat till you are full without leaving or eliminating anything
Don't change the quantity of grapefruit or its juice intake for anything as it is the thing that kindles the burning of fat.
Cut up on coffee intake and give up eating white vegetables and potatoes. So also desserts.
Foods fried in butter are okay and you can use that butter too. There is no restriction on meat too.
Repeat the course in stretches of 12 days with a 2 days break thrown in.
Remember to stick to the grapefruit diet plan for at least 2 ½ months for it to show credible results.


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